Brainscape – Get Smart Fast

I recently discovered Brainscape, an app that allows you to study a whole manner of things in a strategic way based on brain science. Don’t get me wrong, the app does not boast an overly fancy interface, but it does a great job of presenting a lot of information in a short period of time while keeping your attention: I have the attention span of a gnat. Currently, I am having fun using the vocabulary builder and keyboard shortcut modules!

You start by downloading a set of flashcards in the subject of your choice. Then you are prompted to start studying. In the vocabulary building module, a word will appear, then once you think of a definition, you can opt to show the answer. But here’s the cool part, you rate how closely you come to the actual definition on a scale of 1-5. 1 being “I have no idea what that means” and five being “I know the definition word for word.” You know how it is, sometimes you have a general idea of what a word means in context but cant really explain it. Brainscape allows you to master your words. The words will reappear sometimes word first or definition first in a particular sequence based on the “brain science” of efficient learning. I learned about four new words after a few minutes and they are still in my head.

Brainscape offers flashcards covering languages, history, standardized test prep, people you should know (love that!), geography and more. Some modules are free some are not. Considering they’ve done the hard part of preparing the material for me, its worth the money. I plan on purchasing the full vocabulary building deck for $4.99. Either way, you can demo all modules for free.

I think this is an essential app for a student or lifelong learner. I plan to keep an eye on this app as it develops in the future.

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